Title: Sailor Luna Summary: Crossover of the Sailor Moon series. Characters Pairings: Luna Lovegood Genre: Magical school girls XD Beta: NA Rating/Warnings: None Medium: Photoshop CS4 and Wacom tablet
Title: Cake Summary: Hermoine's moving out. Characters/Pairings: Dramoine, and there's Ginny and Harry in the bg. Genre: Drama Rating/Warnings: G Medium: Photoshop 'n wacom tablet with some photo editing. Word Count: None
Title: Pleading Characters/Pairings: Lucius Malfoy Genre: Drama Rating/Warnings: None Medium: Photoshop 'n wacom tablet Word Count: NA
A bunch of sketches and the final piece for floorcoaster's amazing story "Heavy Lies the Crown". This work all made for chapter 24, if you're a Dramoine fan, please do take your time to read it, it's plain awesome!
Title: His girls Summary: Draco, Hermione and their kid. Characters/Pairings: Dramione Genre: Fluff Rating/Warnings: None Medium: Photoshop 'n wacom tablet Word Count: NA